The Value of Men
by Robert T. Hunting

THE VALUE OF MEN by Robert T. Hunting
The Value of Men
Robert T. Hunting
ISBN-13: 978-0692605745 / ISBN-10: 0692605746
SRP (Paperback) $16.95 / SRP (eBook) $6.99

​When the bank forecloses on their family home during the Great Depression, young Justyn Morrow’s father is unable to bear the weight of financial collapse and suffers a fatal heart attack. Justyn’s grieving mother tries to maintain some semblance of stability for herself and her son, but she soon follows her husband to the grave.

With nowhere to go and no way to support himself, Justyn joins the ever-growing community of hobos riding the rails from coast to coast in search of a better tomorrow. This society of outcasts is populated by all manner of characters, some dangerous, and some simply quirky, and Justyn is often overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers, as well as victimized by meanness and cruelty. 

Whether sharing a meal cooked over an open fire with a disgraced academic, or staring down the barrel of a Browning held by an attractive woman escaping her abusive husband, or being trapped in a copper mine a mile below the earth’s surface, Justyn’s personal beliefs are tested over and over again. Beyond simple survival during hard times, what is he really seeking, and where might he find it? Surely, the answers lay not around the next bend in the road, but within the terrain of his own character.
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