Marc Whelchel

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Marc lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his beautiful wife and daughter, a green-eyed demon cat, and a song in his head that he can’t quite identify. When he is not driving to and fro, scouring the wastebasket of his mind for a point, he is writing the next Great American Novel, a half-decent short story starring some Congolese guy in faraway lands. He enjoys whistling off-key at the moon, loud music, dead quiet, meeting new people, and avoiding the human race at all costs. Two people once said he’s funny, so it must be true. Those who know him best agree that he has damn good reason to be self-deprecating.

He is the author of four novels, the first three having been shredded and recycled into Chinese food containers long ago.

Marc Whelchel
Marc Whelchel
The Doubly Dead Angel-Thief by Marc Welchel
The Doubly Dead Angel-Thief
Meet V.C. Almond, Mastermind Sleuth, Jack of Some Trades, and the Delmar Loop's Private Investigator Ordinaire.
Books by Marc Whelchel
The Doubly Dead Angel-Thief by Marc Whelchel