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Cover Reveal - AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT by Chuck Crabbe

by Open Books on 12/11/13

We are excited to reveal the cover for As a Thief in the Night by Chuck Crabbe (forthcoming February). Click here to learn more about the novel and pre-order your copy now.


Comments (2)

1. Bes said on 2/7/14 - 10:01AM
Chuck Crabbe was my 8th grade teacher and I can honestly say he changed my life. The fact that he has written what appears to be a very intricate and complicated story about the internal struggles of a growing boy is a testament to who I, even as a 13 year old girl, knew would be one of the most intelligent people I would have the pleasure of meeting in my life. He looked at teaching and learning in a completely different way than his co-workers. He taught me to question what I learned or read and look at things in a wholly unique way; to take in the lessons of the past and apply them to the contemporary world, and as a student currently studying history and political science, these lessons have been invaluable.
2. Bes said on 2/7/14 - 10:02AM
Continued… Had I not had him as a teacher, I would not be on the path that I am currently on, and more importantly I wouldn’t be the person that I am with the perspectives and life goals that I have. Congratulations, Mr.Crabbe on completing what appears to be a fantastic novel, whose description already moves me. You deserve all the success that comes your way, and I hope that I can one day inspire someone as you have me.

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